The developers at NosTEAM recently announced that they would be releasing an update for FIFA-14 aimed towards fixing some key bugs that had been plaguing the franchise since it's release. They have tackled a few key issues with matchmaking as well as adapting gameplay for different mechanics. NosTEAM has released a new update for FIFA-14, the latest in their series of updates, which includes much-needed fixes and improvements. The patch will also fix several bugs relating to gameplay and should improve the overall stability of the engine. This patch will also tackle improving AI match play as well as better version control for your custom teams. If you'd like to take your FUT experience up a notch and be reeled in by stunning visuals, enhanced AI match play and more realistic player skills, then head on down to our official website now! FIFA-14 lets players customize their roster and manage a team in the beautiful game. 720c5d9bec 21 NosTEAM has released a new update for FIFA-14, the latest in their series of updates, which includes much-needed fixes and improvements.